My Dream
As I snuggle into my blanket warm,
I sense the magic come along;
The magic... of an India New,
Of domestic virtues and a worldly view;
My India transcends me into lofty dreams,
Of triumphant mountains and sunlit gleams;
Dreams of men who strive to lead,
Sowing global plants with an Indian seed;
And I see empowered women too,
Powerful in thoughts, words and the things they do;
Communal harmony, abolished casteism make their way,
Into my India, my India of another day;
Our culture too soaks in out heritage,
My India is akin to a bird out of cage;
My nation finds flight in prosperity,
What with economic freedom and eradicated poverty!;
India dances in colours as well,
Its vibrant diversity makes me swell
with pride; I sleep and nurture my land,
Holding its sanctity in a grain of sand;
Well Almost.
Almost till Mr. Reality dawns on Me,
Tells me
"Son, dreams are never meant to be!";I ask him, "Mr. Reality what makes you so convinced?";
He says,
"Do not argue! - Take my heed";Anguished, I tell him : "I seek the Truth!",
Aggravated, He says,
"Go Ahead. I will follow suit";So as I live another Indian day,
Mr. Reality lets his tongue wagger the Real Way;
The Indian Day, The Real Way
As I gently brush my pasted teeth,
I observe the toothbrush and its manufacturing feat;
"Son, by falling prey to multinational brands,You aren't increasing domestic but their selfish demands";Pondering over that nationalist thought,
I let the water run unstopped;
He said,
"Water, like other resources, is flowing away,You will sell diamonds to buy water, someday"The train, as I get in, for college today,
Is crowded with men and sweat gone astray;
"Crippled infrastructure and population disorder,Is the way of your Law & Order?";My college meets me with a lecture free,
My dissent for the professor compounds my glee;
"The essence of education is the stimulation of the mind,Alas! for the multitude who seek but do not find";And as my friends and i engange in mindless banter for hours,
We spare little thought for a country that is Ours;
"The mother needs her children strong,Mental strength, brute force and an attitude that tolerates no wrong";Tolerates No Wrong in the judiciaryTolerates No Wrong in the administrationTolerates No Wrong in the name of liberalisationTolerates No Wrong in the name of conservatismTolerates No Wrong in the name of rightTolerates No Wrong...In the darkness of the night,
I see a beggar's plight;
"Poverty, my child, is not God's delight,Together to uplift - We must strive, We must fight";I looked at Mr. Reality in the eye,
And as he looked back, he heaved a gentle sigh;
Of concern, of despair and helplessness,
Of feeling disempowered, of feeling less;
He spoke of inflation, corruption and disparity too,
His voice now louder and it only grew;
Questioningly, as I retire after my day spent,
The last ounce of optimism I need to vent;
A BeliefCivilizations survive in their quest to become the ideal society. Over two thousand years my India has relentlessly strived to become its absolute self. It has stumbled, stuttered, scraped, fallen...risen to fall again but It never gave up. At this moment in time, heroes from the hallowed portals of our ancient past voice their wisdom - "Tread the path of excellence with a fearless mind. Live the noblest life for yourself and your India". Because when dreams meet vision and vision meets clarity, they form Belief. My India is no longer a dream, it is my Belief.
A Belief that rises to the occasion and exults : "Its time to fly..."